
We now look at the advection equation with diffusion (also known as the convection–diffusion equation, or sometimes the damped one-way wave equation). This takes the form

\[\pd{u}{t}=D \nabla^2 u-\v{v}\cdot \vnabla u,\]

where we consider two forms of the advection/drift velocity $\v{v}$:

\[\begin{align} \v{v} &= V(y,-x),\\ \text{or} \quad \v{v} &= V(\cos(\theta),\sin(\theta)), \end{align}\]

where $\theta$ is a parameter

The first of these expressions is a rotational velocity field about the centre of the domain, whereas the second is linear (unidirectional) advection in the direction $\theta$.

Numerical notes

First-order derivatives are in general harder to deal with numerically for a variety of reasons, and in particular models involving them can depend more subtly on details such as smoothness of initial conditions. In this example, we are using a different form of the brush, which can be found under Brush This adds some smoothing to the boundaries of the bump each time the screen is clicked. This is important to reduce spurious oscillations due to the first derivative terms.