Hills and valleys

Many of the spatial models that people study assume flat, homogeneous domains. In this example, we’ll numerically explore what happens if we replace flatness with all of real life’s roughness.

Hillside vegetation

In our page on vegetation patterns, we explore the Klausmeier model, which can be stated as


when written in terms of water w and plant biomass m. There are many extensions of this model to include varying, real-world topography, some of which are neatly summarised in a 2018 paper.

We’ll use the simplest possible model, which modifies the original to become


where T(x,y) is the spatially varying height of the landscape. The parameters D and V capture the relative sizes of the water transport terms.

Rainfall on the hilltops

Let’s take a more detailed look at water. We could adapt the shallow water equations that we used in our Visual Story on waves, but instead we’ll use a simpler model that’s really more suited to glaciers and lava than water.

For water of height h(x,y,t) above topography of height T(x,y), this model of gravity-driven flow over terrain reduces to the scalar PDE


where D represents the relative strength of gravity to the stickiness of the fluid.

This equation (with some helpful numerical tricks) is encoded in an rainfall simulation that lets us click to introduce water to the rolling landscape.

Springing to life

Of course, rivers aren’t only filled by rain. Let’s see what happens if we introduce a spring to the hillside.

This spring simulation captures the same river system as before, but now with a spring emerging from one of the hilltops.

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