Perona–Malik equation

Art | Parabolic

Here is an implementation of the Perona–Malik equation,

\[\pd{u}{t}=\vnabla \cdot \left (\mathrm{e}^{-D |\vnabla u|^2}\vnabla u\right),\]

which is used for image denoising. In particular, the nonlinear anisotropic diffusion causes sharp gradients to sharpen, and smooths out more shallow noisy regions.

You can change the image to one of a noisy aperiodic tiling by modifying the initial conditions to use $I_S$ rather than $I_T$, and then restarting the simulation.

Other images will also work, but these may need some fine-tuning to have this algorithm improve their quality. In particular, finer meshes may be needed to preserve small edges.