What can VisualPDE solve?

VisualPDE solves systems of PDEs that look like generalised reaction–diffusion equations. It can do this in 1D or 2D.

The simplest type of system is just a single PDE in a single unknown, $u$,

\[\pd{u}{t} = \vnabla \cdot (D_u \vnabla u) + f_u,\]

where $D_u$ and $f_u$ are functions of $u$, $t$, and space that you can choose. For example, if $f_u=0$ and $D_u$ is a constant, you have the heat equation.

The most complicated type is a coupled system of PDEs in four unknowns, $u$, $v$, $w$ and $q$:

\[\begin{aligned} t_u\pd{u}{t} &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{uu}\vnabla u+D_{uv}\vnabla v+D_{uw}\vnabla w+D_{uq}\vnabla q) + f_u,\\ \text{one of}\left\{\begin{matrix}\displaystyle t_v\pd{v}{t} \\ v\end{matrix}\right. & \begin{aligned} &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{vu}\vnabla u+D_{vv}\vnabla v+D_{vw}\vnabla w+D_{vq}\vnabla q) + f_v \vphantom{\displaystyle t_v\pd{v}{t}}, \\ &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{vu}\vnabla u+D_{vw}\vnabla w+D_{vq}\vnabla q) + f_v, \end{aligned}\\ \text{one of}\left\{\begin{matrix}\displaystyle t_w\pd{w}{t} \\ w\end{matrix}\right. & \begin{aligned} &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{wu}\vnabla u+D_{wv}\vnabla v+D_{ww}\vnabla w+D_{wq}\vnabla q) + f_w \vphantom{\displaystyle t_w\pd{w}{t}}, \\ &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{wu}\vnabla u+D_{wv}\vnabla v+D_{wq}\vnabla q) + f_w, \end{aligned}\\ \text{one of}\left\{\begin{matrix}\displaystyle t_q\pd{q}{t} \\ q\end{matrix}\right. & \begin{aligned} &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{qu}\vnabla u+D_{qv}\vnabla v+D_{qw}\vnabla w+D_{qq}\vnabla q) + f_q \vphantom{\displaystyle t_q\pd{q}{t}}, \\ &= \vnabla \cdot(D_{qu}\vnabla u+D_{qv}\vnabla v+D_{qw}\vnabla w) + f_q, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}\]

where the diffusion coefficients ($D_{uu}$ etc.), the timescales ($t_u$ etc.) and the interaction/kinetic terms ($f$, $g$, $h$, $j$) can depend on the unknowns, space, and time. In matrix form, we can summarise this by saying we solve systems of the form

\[\m{M} \pd{\v{u}}{t} = \vnabla\cdot(\m{D}\vnabla\v{u}) + \v{f},\]


VisualPDE allows you to easily change the number of components and the boundary conditions. You can set initial conditions just by clicking the screen.